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a little bit of this and that

Well hello friends, its been nearly a month since the last blog so let's share a little of what's been happening.

At the beginning of the month the weather was good so more miles meant a very happy FJ.

The top case - a whooping 56 liters arrived. The plan is to load this with light weight clothing and the electricals (laptop, Go pro accessories, power cables, etc) for the trip, leaving the side luggage for tools, and heavier items.

Motorcycle reflective stickers arrived - tried and tested and Like !

Next up, the Garmin GPS cable arrived and after a lot of scratching of the head trying to work out how on earth - I got to work carefully dismantling FJ and with a lot of help working the cable up the right hand side fairing. The cable is tight and could of been a little longer but with cable ties fitted it is not restricting the handles bars. Massive thanks to KS for assisting on this one and Andrea for the soldering expertise...

The best bit about spending the time fitting new parts to FJ is the amount you learn!

Last week we met up at Union Garage and I had to try on the new Shoei Neo-tec modular.

This helmet was super and I have been a fan of the Shoei for a while now. I have seen many customer reviews and the helmet was highly rated.

They are very comfortable and the plan with this new neo-tec will enable me to take onboard water whilst riding through the hotter parts of the trip - which will definitely be required once we start getting nearer Oklahoma and Texas. Now waiting for the delivery ........ in Red of course - as much as my friends and family make fun of me, I do like everything to be coordinated. :-)

Whilst we have been very lucky with the weather we have had a few off days and during the rainy days the Go Pro and Garmin Base camp tutorials have kept us busy. the dining room table has been taken over with Go Pro paraphernalia, a multitude of route maps as well as recommendation of where to go and what to do stickers and papers - a lot of fun and this will all be so worthwhile. We continue to spend a lot of time researching and planning. Moto family have also shared their experiences with some great recommendations.

Finally before ending this update I wanted to share that I have made the decision that I will be selling the Yamaha BOLT in the Spring. Badass and I have had some fantastic times and its a difficult decision to make however the right one as since getting FJ I have only been out and about on the Bolt once or twice.

Safe riding, keeps xxx

British Biker Chick


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