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Route 66 - Day 3 - Braidwood to Staunton Illinois

FJ had a bit of a lube this morning - matron!

After 850 odd miles from the previous two days it was wise to treat the chain. Maintenance traits I have learnt from so many whilst out riding.

We loaded the bikes and checked out and after a quick breakfast and a much needed cup of joe we left Braidwood and travelled south on Old Route 66 and I-55 - our sat Navs in sync ... the US Historic 66 route gave us some stops off at little towns and the memories from the day where we stopped are below. The diner and a refreshing cuppa, the walkabout and the Japanese tourists that wanted photos of FJ... but I did have to say nope when one of them attempted to climb aboard!

The Old Rte 66 and Interstate-55 interconnect frequently. When on I-55 you share the road with trucks and cars towing boats rattling past and when on Old Rte 66 - its was basically Kris and I and some wild life cruising along.

The old road is rough in patches but fine for our explorer steel steeds and I preferred that part of the ride today. Our bikes were built for roads like Old Rte 66.

Oh.... did i mention we rode through torrential rain again..... and then by the afternoon the temperature rose by 20 degrees and the sun was shining as we entered Staunton.

Video footage is now starting to be captured and over time I will be uploading.

I am particularly impressed with the Yamaha FJ-09 and how well the ride is.

I have had a set back which could be a showstopper (but I will not let it) which is the SW-Motech City tank bag is becoming tougher and tougher to operate on and off the bike. It has a cord which you pull which then disconnects the bag from the tank ring - this is all extremely problematic when it is fitted to the fuel cap. If i can't get the bag off.... I can't fuel up the bike... As a precaution this afternoon I rode with the tank bag in the top case and tonight the bag is getting a complete dry out.... fingers crossed with warmer weather that that will do the trick.

Bit of a pain if the bag is now redundant as I was using it and it was handy to be able to stick my wallet, iPhone, loose change, EZ-Pass, etc etc but if it doesn't work then it will have to be stored in the top case for the remainder of the trip..... we shall see in the morning

Total mileage today was 200 miles. Total mileage over 3 days 1097 miles. Smiling, loving the adventure and getting to really see this country...

Tomorrow we head on further to Lebanon, Missouri with many scheduled stops along the way....


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